Although she has hit the uncomfortable, can't sleep properly, need to pee every 5 seconds stage, she said this morning she is really wanting to meet him but doesn't want it to be over! She's the pregnant woman everyone hopes they will be! She really is enjoying every single moment of it, which I think is as much of a shock to her as it is to me! It's an amazing feeling being pregnant for the for the first time! Everything is new and exciting as well as scary and overwhelming! But I am over the moon that she really has enjoyed it all! (Insert massive smiley face here)
Anyway, today we got in and finished off all the last little things in bubbas room. We have had it pretty well set up for a couple of months now, but had some stuff just chucked in there *blush*. So now we are ready to roll! I even put the car seat in the car to get the kids used to it being there! And we had a bit of a mission fitting the pram in with one of the back seats up to fit all the kids in, but after about 15 minutes of head scratching and taking it out and putting it back in, we got it sorted! YAY
So I shall leave you with a snap shot of the nursery, which will probably never look like this again once the little man arrives ;-)
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